Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Clothes shopping and letter-speaking and other little things.


I am seeing friends tomorrow. I like friends. Friends are good.


I talked to myself in the car last night. I spoke like I was writing a letter, or leaving a message over the phone. I addressed different people, in monologue. It was interesting, what came out. More pure than my everyday speech.


Went clothes shopping. Bought two pairs of guy's sneakers and several guy's sweatshirts. Women's clothes always seem to want to say something. My new clothes say things like 'Hey, I'm blue and have a hood'. They're simple. Simple is nice. And I have monster feet, so it's difficult finding good shoes that fit me in the women's section. Imagine how hellish it would be if I were one of those girls who liked buying shoes.

Also, I hate looking for pants. Motherfuckers at Kohl's don't fucken stock my fucken size. I only found three pairs and they were all ass-ugly. This is why I like shopping online.

Clothes shopping usually ends up making me swear my fucken face off, even if it is only in my head, or quietly to myself in an empty dressing room.


My back is slightly better. Still hurts. Makes me kind of sad.


I'm really tired and I don't know why. I think it's time for bed.

Good night.


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