Thursday, January 28, 2010

Ego, AFP at the Golden Globes, Clangers, and beating procrastination.


I think that, if I wasn't constantly beating down on myself, I'd have a blazingly rampant ego.

Just a thought.


So. It's probably a bit tiring how I fangirl about Neil Gaiman and Amanda Palmer all the time. But there's something interesting going on right now.

There's this. Also this.

And then there's this. And, of course, this.

For one thing, I find it really interesting how the first two articles classify and dissect AFP, as opposed to the third. You can clearly tell who the 'conventional' female writers are. And some of the comments are ridiculously amusing. Of course there's going to be a lot of people who think body hair is disgusting - which, frankly, I don't understand. Body hair is there to keep you warm. Then there was the taking-off of the dress as they were leaving the party, which I thought was ballsy and fantastic, but which most mainstreamers considered a famewhoring mistake, or an attempt to upstage Mr Neil. On one hand, it's almost embarrassing, the amount of her fans rushing to her defense. Let the big world people feel comfortable in their criticism; their big world stars and starlets are also whores for attention, and whores for media, and just plain whores, but in more socially acceptable ways. But Amanda Palmer is real in ways that they aren't, or can't be, in the public eye. She represents the people who want a more genuine world. They find it through her, through her red carpet shenanigans, and her constant honesty with her fans and with her detractors, and her confidence in herself.

I love that the fashion blogs are in an uproar about her audacity to leave her armpits unshaven, and to go slipless under the dress, and to not be ashamed of herself. It's just another example of how we really aren't as open-minded and forward-thinking as we would like to believe. As someone decidedly outside the traditional convention of physical beauty, I love their absurd reactions. In the land of the buffed and polished and painted ladies, a bit of body hair is disastrous and disrespectful.

Incidentally, I wasn't considering watching the Golden Globes until I heard that they were going, and then I wanted to just to see if I could catch a glimpse of them. But in Hollywood, neither of them are stars, and I didn't want to borrow my roommate's television on the string of a hope. I followed the evening on Twitter instead, with the tweets and the Twitpiccing from the ladies' room and such. It was better, I think; I would've lost interest very early on if I'd been watching it on TV.


Watched Coraline tonight. Also started watching it again, with commentary.

Stop-motion = genius.

Speaking of stop-motion, Neil Gaiman linked to this on Twitter and it's adorable and British and just so freaken cute.


Lala. Gonna get started on my drawing homework tomorrow. Totally not leaving it off to Tuesday night this time. Gotta do ten pastel portraits. Pastels are fun, and I need to work on them more. Portraits are fun, and I need to work on them more. Good assignment.

Good night.

Yay art,

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