Monday, March 29, 2010

Comics and other geeky stuff; QC is making me crazy; train of thought; other bits.

Okay, it might just be me, but I think that [spoilers lol for X-Men: The Last Stand, although the movie's been out for years so if you haven't seen it you probably won't care about spoilers] when Magneto loses his powers near the end of the third X-Men movie, it's one of the most tragic things ever. It's just so sad.. Of course, the bit at the end when the chess piece moves makes me happy.

I wish I had read the comics. (I mean, I guess I still can.) I wish I had been into comics in general at a younger age. Comics and graphic novels are awesome. I can thank Neil Gaiman for finally getting me into them; The Sandman was the first I read.

I think even when I was younger, I wished I was the kind of person who read comics. But I wasn't. I wasn't the kind of person who did anything.. I wanted to learn how to play Dungeons and Dragons, and I wanted to play MMORPGs, and I wanted to do all sorts of geeky things that I was too shy to actually do. Or something like that.

It's getting better, though.


Speaking of comics, anyone read Questionable Content? This recent storyline is driving me insane. (Here comes a paragraph or so of babble that sounds shockingly like a soap opera, but makes sense if you actually read QC. And you should. Because it's awesome.)

Okay, so it was seriously very obvious that Marigold had a thing for Angus for a while now. Of course, since she's such a geeky adorable recluse, nobody noticed until Friday's comic (or I guess Thursday's; and with that you're basically caught up even if you don't read QC). Then I was in agony all weekend, because I care too much about cartoon characters..

See, I know Faye has problems with admitting that she likes Angus back, because of her weird intimacy issues that have thankfully been getting better, and on the one hand I wanted her to get with him because she needs a healthy relationship, which is definitely not what she was getting in her random hookups with Sven (although admittedly I kind of liked that, because Sven was getting better at not being a tool until he fucked up). Also Angus is really sweet and obviously smitten with her. I think Faye needs him, and just can't admit it to herself. But at the same time, I feel so bad for Marigold. She needs a healthy relationship too, given that she's never had one ever, and has hella self-image problems. And Angus is so fucking nice to her. He's really careful about her feelings, because he knows she has hella self-image problems and doesn't want them to get worse. Now that he basically rejected her, I'm afraid she might just be broken forever or something.

This whole thing is just driving me up the wall. (I suppose that would mean Good on Jeph; he is a good enough writer-of-drama to make me go crazy.)

Also, it feels a little too close to home, except I can't get drunk.

Okay wow. It's a good thing I'm not one of those people who watches overdramatic television shows. Every blog entry would sound like that.


Speaking of television, I haven't watched TV in so long. Besides going home and sitting in front of the Food Network for hours.. IT'S HYPNOTIC. All these cooking shows. Crazy. I love them.

Speaking of cooking, my brother is getting into it more and more. He bakes, too. And he's actually really good.

Speaking of my brother, I am so proud of that kid for so many reasons. He's like the person I would be if I had listened to my genes and my upbringing instead of my head, except his heart is really in it. He's ambitious and intelligent and all into that math-y-science-y stuff, and unlike me, totally went in our family's direction. Also he has lots of friends. Also he's just awesome and I love him.

Speaking of people I love, ARRGGHHHH.

Okay, I'm stopping this out-of-control train of random thoughts before it crashes.




Oh, weather. Settle the fuck down. First it's cold, which makes me happy. Then it's hot, which makes me kind of sad. Then it's middling. (I just like that word.) Then it's raining warm, which is gross. Then it's raining cold, which is cool but kind of painful.


I had to make a stop-motion for today's digital video class, so I did that yesterday. It was fun. I'm going to insert some sound, then maybe upload it here.


According to Brooke, most people who signed up to live at Ludlow are safe for housing next year. Hopefully that includes me. Or else I'll be upset.


I'm registering for next year's courses tomorrow. I'm excited to have computer animation both semesters, although unfortunately it's only three-hour classes. In fact, next year I don't have any classes that aren't three hours long. Which is more convenient. But five-hour-long animation last semester was fun. And I'm still rather disappointed that Eric doesn't teach a sophomore animation class, because Eric is fucking awesome.


Oh hey, it's Passover, right? If you're Jewish, happy anniversary of all that depressing God-killing-children.

(Don't take me seriously, though. I'm like this for a lot of religious holidays. It's easier. Happy Passover, anyways.)


Speaking of holidays, I can't wait until Easter. Sole reason: I love those plastic eggs that hold stuff. They're even better if they don't already have stuff in them, because then I can play with them. Because I am really weird, and there are just some things that I really like. Like hollow plastic Easter eggs that make that satisfying popping sound and sometimes have candy inside..


Mm. I think that's it for tonight. Sleep time.


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