Friday, June 4, 2010

Bluh bluh bad decisions.

So uh.

I made a mask about a week ago. Didn't get around to painting it until tonight; it's really hot in my bedroom and I couldn't fall asleep so I stayed up and painted. The paint job was pretty damn awesome, in my opinion. Then I made the ridiculously stupid decision to finish it with pearl varnish instead of regular gloss or matte, because that's what I did for my peacock mask.

-headdesk forever-

It was very dumb. Because the mask's base color is a bright red, and when I put down the first stroke of glaze I knew it was a mistake; it completely muted the colors. The peacock mask was white, so pearl glaze had complemented it. I screwed myself over, putting it on red. I finished the coat anyways, hoping that maybe as it dried it would become more transparent. It did, but only a little.

I was so disappointed that I started again. I redid the entire paint job over the varnish. I started this at maybe one o'clock in the morning. It's now four thirty.

I should probably go to sleep.

At least it looks good the second time around. Will put down clear gloss when I wake up.


PS. Thumbs up for loving doing this so much that I redo the fucking thing instead of going to bed at a reasonable hour. Art is awesome.

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