So my homework last night was total bullshit, and even though Sabina liked it I'm ashamed to show it to you in this stage. Instead I've uploaded my drawing midterm, which I promised to post like three weeks ago.
..Actually I'm uploading them now, and it's taking fucking long. Gaaaahhhh. I always forget that the photos I take are really really large, and I should be resizing them before I try to get them on the internet. Bluh.
..Still waiting, wow.
It takes like half an hour to upload three photos. Fuck this aahhhh.
(Click for larger.)
Wow that took way longer than it should have.
I'm excited to go home for Thanksgiving. This is the first break from school we're getting. I get to see Emma for the first time in quite a while, too; we're taking the (omfg super fucking expensive) train up to Boston together.
I've been sleeping way too much lately. I've taken like two, three hours naps in the afternoon for the past four days or something. It's ridiculous. And I'm still tired. It's only eleven, and I'm going to bed already. Somebody slap me.
Good night ahhhh,
You should take the megabus. It's omfg not that expensive.