Thursday, November 12, 2009

Quick thoughts on blogging and cats and sculpting.

Thoughts in a blog, thoughts in a blog.

It's funny how I'm able to admit shit to the world in a public posting, but I can't say anything to anybody out loud. Naive faith in the anonymity of the internet. But I forget sometimes that I'm writing to people. I forget that I link people to this site and that some of them actually read it. It's uncomfortable, when I think about it, but at the same time therapeutic.

I resolve not to censor my thoughts in this blog. The only thing, I think, that I want to keep to myself is the identity of The Guy; it still feels too personal and awkward for me, even though the people reading this don't know who he is. And if they do know the both of us, they probably know about this weird situation already.


I was in DaVinci's today buying sketchbooks and pens. In the basement there was a cat lying on a stack of newsprint pads. I was derailed for a very long time, sitting next to her and stroking her beautiful fur. Her name is Harriet, and I fell in love immediately. I miss my girl so much. Meeting Harriet tore a little hole in my heart; I haven't seen Molly in weeks, and I want so badly to be with her. I can't wait until Thanksgiving weekend, when I'll go back home and have four whole days in her company.

I've had her for a little over a year now. I would joke often that my cat is the reason that I don't really mind not having a boyfriend.

Now I am sulking over both cat and boyfriend. At least I will see Molly soon.


It's been a couple months since I sculpted something for fun. I'm doing that now. It's fun. This is my first attempt at a likeness other than my self-portrait. People are difficult to sculpt..

It's two thirty in the morning now. (Heh, sometimes I start these posts and abandon them for a couple of hours and then come back to them.) I should sleep. Gotta go do my computer animation homework tomorrow morning.

Ready for sleepytiiiiiime,

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