Sunday, April 18, 2010

Procrastination kills.

This page on Disney music makes me happy.

On the TVTropes article on Moulin Rouge: "If you follow the opening of the movie, it's really a movie depicting a stage performance of a movie about a man singing about a man writing the story of his involvement in a musical about a man whose involvement in a musical mirrors the writer's."

Yes I spent too much of my life on TVTropes today. Swore I'd never do it again, but here we are.


Oh by the way now it's ten to five in the morning whoooooo I stayed up too late. Did my DV homework in like an hour, then did last week's DV homework in like eight hours. Got back to my room around one. Finished a project that should have been done two weeks ago. Whoo. I'm stupid.

Very proud of my last-week's DV homework, though. Had to animate fourteen squares in After Effects; I set mine to a track off the Homestuck album, with the squares representing the sounds. Uh. I'll upload to Youtube tomorrow, probably. Right now, time for sleep.

I am SO STUPID but oh well it was a good weekend anyways,

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