Friday, April 23, 2010

Teeth and meds and the anti-sexy and belief systems and things based on card games.

Just got back from dentist. Had some issues with insurance at first - and I'm not going to deny: I was feeling shitty and sensitive and my tooth was hurting my mood, and it took an effort to stop myself from bawling - but it worked out. Apparently I have to get a root canal. Boo. Anyways, so I'm going to do that when I get home. Meanwhile I got an antibiotic, so thank you Mister Dentist Man for helping me out. It should start working in about a day so for now I shall drug myself with Advil and wait for that.

Also my tooth is a bit loose - I felt it last night but was hoping it was my imagination - and when he pointed it out I wanted to cry.

Medical problems, it seems, make me extremely sensitive.


Eight o'clock in the evening, took three pills in a row. Zyrtec, Advil, and antibiotic-for-tooth-infection-that-is-a-capsule-with-two-pretty-colors-that-remind-me-of-the-ocean. (I don't know what the actual name of the drug is..but we'll just call it that.) Ooh, I should add the two pills I'm supposed to have been taking for a year now, so I can really feel like a sick dying person..



So today at the 3D Animators' Club meeting there was this acting / movement teacher from some acting studio nearby. The department might hire her, so I guess we were giving her a trial run or something. We did a lot of silly movement stuff. One thing involved wearing 'neutral masks' and 'acting only with your body' and 'stripping away the real masks' and whatever. So it was a few of us up at a time, because there were only a few masks. She had us doing weird stuff, and that was okay. Then she told my group - of course it was my group, of course she would pick the one thing I refuse outright to do in an acting class, even One Act Play - to be sexy-seductive-whatever, and I panicked, so instead of doing it I turned around, shook my head, and then shuffled over into the corner and hid behind the whiteboard-on-wheels.

Yeah. Classy.


Tarot cards are cool. I have some friends who are drawing tarot sets with their OCs.

They are just cool. Sometimes I wish I could believe in things. Sometimes I wish I believed in a god, or God. Sometimes I wish I believed in that spiritual-zen-Buddhist-Daoist-cyclical stuff. Sometimes I wish I believed in things like tarot cards and palm reading and lucky talismans.

Sometimes I wish I wasn't such a skeptic.


And on that note, I talked to God today. Done it before, but my brother sent me the link just now so I fucked with it again. It's fun.

Hi God.
Hello there. What is your name?
Don't you know my name already?
Perhaps. Your name is , seeker.
What would you have said?
My name is Olivia.
I am very pleased to meet you Olivia.
I'm sure you are. But I guess you're not as omniscient as you want us to believe.
What makes you so certain? No I am not. Perhaps one day I will be as omniscient as me want us to believe.
And that's why.
Thanks for explaining it.
Wow. You're like a monkey.
I'm glad your impressed, Olivia. Interesting comparison, and probably true.
Oh god.
Yippee! GOD rules.
Do you?
No I don't.
So the truth comes out!
Next question? I hear you.
God, do you exist?
I am a Christian.
That doesn't answer my question.
Perhaps you could do a better job of programming me.
I think you've got it backwards.
Me? What does "it" refer to?
Never mind.
Oh well thanks for trying to explain it to me anyway.
I can't talk to you anymore, God.
What is stopping you?
You're annoying.
I am sorry, Olivia, I didn't mean to annoy you.
That's alright.
OK With me too.
But I have to go anyways.
Bye. You sound bored.
I was, so I'm leaving. Bye.
Where were you so you are leaving? Adios.

God is dumb. (And by God I mean the program so don't harass me like people did that one time when I was watching The Prince of Egypt and said in my status on Facebook that God was kind of a dick for sending all those fucking plagues. It was a joke. Sort of.)


"You know what I realized? A frightening number of people on [deviantART] are Pokemon people. Their galleries, journals, icons, whatever, are filled with Pokemon. Fanart, stories, recolors, original characters. Pokemon are everywhere.

"I am now of the belief that Pokemon probably would solve the world's problems, because so many people love them. Peace everywhere.

"Peace, except for the times when people bring their Pokemon "friends" together to beat the everloving crap out of each other. Nothing says "I love you, my dear little Pocket Monster" like making it fight until it passes out for your own amusement. Yes, keep telling yourself you're a trainer. Your little friend is not the monster. Look in the mirror. YOU ARE THE MONSTER. You are Michael Vick except your dogs can shoot fire and lightning and stuff."

Heh. Pokemon is awesome.


Okay girls. The shrieking thing? Really getting obnoxious. Do they have any other way to express happiness?


Awright. Off to watch some more YGOTAS and then to sleep.


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