Saturday, October 16, 2010

Pretty mediocre day, but I have come out of it pretty happy. Sometimes late night makes a good day horrible, and sometimes it makes everything better.

Why don't I ever want to sleep? Lately at least. I find myself sitting around wide-eyed and half-delirious and I just don't want to go to bed but I know I should because I don't want to get up late the next morning but there is just so much pointless shit with which to waste my time but I'm not even doing pointless shit, I'm just sitting around thinking about doing pointless shit. Last night I was reading a book and then I put it down to get some water and when I came back I just couldn't pick up the book again. I sat there staring at it for ten minutes, trying to decide whether or not I wanted to keep reading it. This was at maybe four in the morning.

What do I have against sleep?

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