Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Things about high school art.

Okay so Christine's here and I don't really have anything to say other than that.

Oh wait, today I visited Ms Dunning and the rest of my old art teachers. They are making a big deal over me right now because of the whole national Gold Medal thing..they want to use this to appeal to the school board not to cut the art department even more. Apparently Mr Parker was actually laid off last year, and has been on all this year as a permanent sub. Big cut in salary. It's really lame; Mr Parker had only been working there for three years, so he was the obvious choice to cut. He's awesome: old and ornery and sarcastic; he went to Andover High with Mr Batchelder, the head of the art department, and then I think they also went to AIB or something together. He's been making a living as an illustrator since then, and is a really great teacher. I had him for Ceramics during sophomore year, Drawing during junior year, and Illustration during senior year. Anyways. Mr Batchelder's trying to convince the board not to cut the program even more; one of our teachers is leaving for..I don't know if she's coming back after a year, but anyways she just had a baby. So they're going to be like 'Oh hey look we got a national winner, you should let us keep doing what we're doing and cut the sports instead' except this town will never cut sports, what am I talking about.

Anyways. Good night.


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