Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Lady Gaga and roleplaying and Twilink and yelling over the internet.

Man you guys I really enjoy Lady Gaga. I went from Eh I dunno about her she's kind of strange to WAIT actually she's pretty cool to ARGH TOO CATCHY CAN'T STOP LISTENING.


Okay so you know that forum I'm on that I was talking about a couple months ago? (Don't blame you if you don't remember..) Anyways, one of the members told us to join this roleplaying group thing on deviantArt that she had co-founded, and a bunch of us flocked over and did. Seriously there's like twenty of us there. I joined because I haven't done that shit in a long time and I thought it would be fun; my buddies from the forum are the craziest people I know, because the internet lets you do that, and we spend more time clogging up the RP chats with weird chatter in the OOC (out-of-character) than anything else. I told Christine to join too. Her character has already slit my character's throat. Bitch.

Seriously though, it is ridiculous fun. I love the internet.




When I type in all caps my throat strains, like I'm actually yelling. It is Weird Shit.


Know what time it is? It is five in the morning. I AM SO BAD AT THIS SLEEPING-AT-NIGHT THING..

Good night.


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