Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Why am I so tired it is only the second day.

UGH SO TIRED SO TIRED SO TIRED SO TIRED WHY AM I SO TIREDDDDDDDD it's not even five in the afternoon. And I don't even really feel like taking a nap although I guess that is the only option right now.

Had VFX at nine this morning; teacher is Eric Reinfeld. He seems like he'll be a good teacher, although he assigns a shitton of homework, he said it himself. We have to make a reel of sorts this week, thirty seconds about us and our work. Man I'm so boring, I don't know what about me to put in. Then at noon I had History of Animation. was fine at first, but it kind of dragged on a bit. Hopefully it will get better though; I know it'll be better than last year's art history. He showed us a bunch of old posters and things from old animated movies, and it made me want to watch them. I guess the advertisements worked? I have been wanting to watch some of these movies but have been too lazy / too busy to actually do it.

I need to go grocery shopping tomorrow. I also need to obtain required textbooks. (Note to self: Ask dad to buy some of them, because he has an Amazon membership with hella discounts and free shipping.)

I'm going to take a nap now and I'm honestly not sure if I'll wake up before tomorrow morning.


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