Monday, February 1, 2010

Kicking procrastination in the ass (relatively), and a reminder for a ramble.

I really need to start doing my drawing homework on Mondays. This evening I finished seven of the ten pastel portraits due on Wednesday. And I'm going to get sleep tomorrow night! Yaaaaay.

But I have to apologize to a couple of people. At first I was more upset about yours, Eric, but then I realized that it does look like you. It just doesn't look exactly like the photo. Also, Christine, you're fucking gorgeous, and that headshot from Dervla is beautiful, and I just don't think I did you justice.

I think tomorrow night I might post them, once I'm done with all of them.


Suprematism and Constructivism is some really interesting shit. Art history was hella painful, as usual, but I was actually interested. (Only in that class, with that teacher, can such an instance occur. (Speaking of instances, Adam was talking about them today in digital video and the first thing I thought of was WoW. I felt like a huge dork. But it's okay because Norm did too.) I like the material, but she makes class sooooo boring.) People like Malevich and Mondrian - so weird. So very weird.

I will talk about them tomorrow. Because seriously, it's very interesting and strange stuff, and I want to half enough brain-space to do it justice.

That being said, bedtime.

Just discovered the secret to stressless Tuesday nights,

PS. I think there's something wrong with some of my nerves in the palm of my left hand. When there's pressure on that part of my hand it really hurts. I don't think it's a muscle, I'm pretty sure it's a nerve. And it's been going on for a few days now. Since Saturday, I think. Weird shit.

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