Friday, April 9, 2010

Lots of talk about movies. Also, ponies.

There are some silly practices that fiction insists on perpetuating. Such as spouting big words out of a professional's mouth, to highlight the brawn-and-wits nature of the clever-but-not-necessarily-educated protagonist. "Something something blah blah sciencey stuff." "What." "Oh. Right. Blah simplified terms for normal people blah blah." You'd think that geeks of any nature - and by geeks I simply mean people who know more about a particular thing than the general population - would be used to explaining, such that they would no longer pepper jargon into their conversations with the action-cop-hero.

I am watching I, Robot. The girl said 'postulate'. You don't use 'postulate' in normal conversation. You use 'postulate' in research papers and in the lab and in conversations with your fellow geeks. Bluh bluh.


I have been making clay ponies for a good part of this afternoon. Poniiiiiieeeees.


From outside my bedroom I hear 'He's drinking my ears!' or something like that. Maybe my hearing is off. But that's what it sounded like..


Song of the South is so dramatic. The beginning, anyways. Were all old movies over-acted, or just Disney live-action?

Hm. I believe those hummingbirds are the predecessors to the one in Pocahontas. Flit, right?

I always pictured Brer Rabbit as a witty nuisance, like Neil Gaiman's Anansi. (Don't think I'd ever heard of Anansi before American Gods and Anansi Boys.) Always laughing at his own jokes and screwing people over. This one's just friendly and goofy and kind of reminds me of Roger Rabbit. I suppose he was a parent for the concept.

Yes. They are very overdramatic.


I want to watch Fantasia. That and 2000 are gorgeous. I think I will do that.

I can't decide which I like better. I probably lean towards 2000 more, rather than the original. But I particularly love the Nutcracker sequence in the first (especially the mushrooms oh god the mushrooms I love those dancing mushrooms also they're Asian which makes me smile). I also adore the Pastoral Symphony segment, themed in Greek mythology. Then of course there's The Sorceror's Apprentice, but that one shows up in both. I think the difference is that in Fantasia 2000 I love all the pieces, while in Fantasia there are some that rather bore me, though all are beautiful.

Oh man, now I want to watch 2000 just for Rhapsody in Blue. That's probably my favorite of all the Fantasia pieces.


I watch too many movies. I mean, sure, I watch them in the background while I'm doing other, more productive things, but still. Today I watched the second half of Gangs of New York (long-ass movie; watched the first half last night), I, Robot, Unbreakable, Song of the South, and Fantasia. THAT IS FOUR AND A HALF MOVIES, WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH ME.


I can't embed this, but go watch it: Dali + Disney = Destino. Destino = WHAT.


So anyways. I'm tired. It's only midnight. Early bedtime for me.


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