Thursday, April 8, 2010

Uh way too much linkspam sorry. The internet is deadly.

UGH I hate love stories they make me bitter as fuck.


So, SOMEone installed Stumbleupon today, and insists on sending me links.

But they're really cool so that's okay.

For graphic design geeks.
If this is a poster, I want it.
I think this is fantastic.
Oh, Twilight.
Wool graffiti. xD
I want this on a shirt.
In the future, all instruction manuals will be sung. Then people will actually pay attention to them.
You've no idea how much I approve of this vandalism.
Pretty nifty.
Heh, font humor.
I especially love the Titanic ice cubes.
Totally not a quitter. xD
Can we all please start doing this?
Now I need to visit Russia.
I really hope this isn't a troll.
Lol Facebook.
I kind of want to do this.
I rather like advertising as well.
Hee hee.
Heard a lot of these.
Academy-Award-winning movie trailer!
Oh, artists.
Some of these seriously.
Ooh this is so cool.
DNA kills.
Hahah seriously though that's about right.
Alright now this is fucking fantastic. Also it's real Chinese, I can read some of it.

Oh god okay no more linkspam jeez.


There is something very satisfying about kung fu movies. Or action movies in general, I guess. I'm watching Kung Fu Hustle. I've seen the first half before, but never finished.

Martial arts are just really cool to watch. There's something really elegant about combat.


Had to put this separate, because you can ignore all the linkspam if you want but this is just great. I want to be able to do something like this in the near future. Schoooooling.


I'm such a dork for marionettes. Seriously. I love the idea, I love the execution.


Anyways. Uh. I meant to write more but now it's very late and I am either going to sleep now or stay up until waking-up-time. So good night.


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